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Monday, December 21, 2015

By Andre Ferlo

It is not often that we hear of chiropractic care for weight loss. There is always, however, a need for chiropractic care for joint pain which is often associated with exercise that becomes too strenuous. According to a Laguna Hills Chiropractor, the exercise used to promote weight loss may put an undue strain on the joints of an overweight individual.

Losing weight and leaving obesity behind is not something everyone can accomplish. Many who do lose large amounts of weight gain it back. A chiropractor is focused on keeping the joints healthy, comfortable and pain free for this portion of the population. No shame should be attached to a heavy body.

There are many reasons people prefer chiropractic care over medication for example. It also enables them to avoid surgery. The spine is kept in perfect alignment and the joints remain flexible. Freedom from pain can be maintained through chiropractic care.

Good posture and balance are essential to a healthy body. The way you sit, stand and walk may be subject to evaluation. Advice on avoiding back pain is given, such as how to lift heavy boxes. By following chiropractic advice you can avoid painful conditions from occurring.

The nerves that begin at the spine send signals through the body to activate it. When the spine is misaligned these nerves are compressed which makes it difficult to transmit these signals. When a subluxation, the chiropractic term for misalignment, occurs the pressure against those nerves may be unbearable.

It can be alleviated by applying spinal adjustments to return the vertebral bones to their correct position. Another situation that can cause hurting is stiffening of the joints between two bones. That pain is reduced using the hands on method too.

The first step to chiropractic care is a full assessment of your body. A medical history is recorded. The spine is examined, reflexes are checked and range of motion testing is done. After the assessment, a plan to promote weight loss and good health can be initiated. A safe exercise routine is tailored to fit your specific needs.

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