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Sunday, November 1, 2015

By Mark Marabut

Following any kind of accident the first thing to do is check for injuries. A wide range of possibilities exist. The resultant pain leads to seeking relief. Chiropractic care is often preferred. For one thing there is no chance of addiction to pain pills. For another it is non-invasive. Turning to Kent Chiropractic leads to pain alleviation for many accident victims.

The person who does his own maintenance might take a fall from a ladder while painting the exterior. How he lands on the ground determines what part of his body is injured. It can be a sprained arm, strained soft tissue or a twisted knee. When the pain continues, chiropractic intervention can evaluate and care for any such condition.

A high-speed crash can result in death or disability for both drivers. One drivers lack of judgment might impact the rest of your life. Financial compensation is no substitute for a pain-free life. The chiropractor will provide rehabilitative care to control that pain.

The effect of a whiplash injury is devastating. The injured party might not be capable of moving his head and one or more vertebrae in the neck may be misaligned. If so, the spinal nerve roots may be impacted causing intense pain. The muscles may be tightened and the soft tissue strained.

A series of spinal adjustments are often the optimal method to facilitate pain relief. These will move the vertebrae gradually back into place. That, in turn will lessen the pressure that is causing the excruciating pain.

When your evaluation is complete, you can be scheduled to undergo a series of spinal adjustments along with gentle massage. As progress is made, a non-strenuous exercise program may be professionally designed for you to use at home. When the pain is under control, you can plan on returning to work and recreational activities.

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