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Friday, November 27, 2015

By Jesrel Madrid

There are many remedies to combat a headache. Many that rely on taking prescription or over the counter medication are not acceptable to some people. They fear addiction. A migraine headache may be so severe as to be disabling for the duration. A Seattle Chiropractor offers spinal adjustments to alleviate the excruciating pain.

A migraine is a primary headache, meaning it is not caused by a disease. Some people have them frequently and others only rarely. Each person experiences the onset and length of time it lasts differently. Each is bad enough to be temporarily disabling.

The trigeminal nerve is affected by an alteration in the brainstem. This nerve carries pain signals. Any subluxation of the spine, which means one or more vertebrae are out of place, has an affect on the area. It is one possible cause of the migraine headache. Others include certain foods, stress and environmental factors.

The vertebrae are a series of small bones that form the spinal column. The spinal cord is protected by them. All nerve roots are located there. If one is not correctly aligned, it will cause pressure against a nerve root. It is one suspected cause of the migraine headache.

Your first appointment with the chiropractor will be spent examining your spine and asking relevant questions about the pain. Some tests may help to clarify the situation, such as range of motion tests and x-rays. Only a thorough evaluation can determine the best care plan for you.

When the evaluation is done, a plan for care can be arranged to alleviate the pain. Often, spinal adjustments are used. You will visit the office to have them done. Adjunctive care may include massage and dietary advice. Some foods, chocolate and cheese among them, are suspected of causing these headaches. You will learn what to avoid in the future to lessen the chance of triggering another migraine.

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