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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

By Robin Setser

Pet owners, who are fond of cats in particular, will tell you that certain types of food should be regarded as no-nos. Of course, you may be curious to know why this is. Specifically, you may want to know which foods should be kept out of the equation. This is where I'd like to draw attention to such variables, and why you should keep them out of the regimen of your adored feline. Here are just 3 talking points illustrated by the likes of Assisi Animal Health.

Many types of food are not meant for cats, and tuna is a great place to start. The main reason for this is that it does not have the same level of nutrient, as other foods, which cats need in order to live the healthiest lives possible. Companies the likes of Assisi Animal Health, as well as other authorities, can tell you that there are better alternatives. This is yet another reason why tuna is a food that should only be consumed, by cats, only on certain occasions.

You must also know that cats shouldn't be fed any type of chocolate. Even though the negatives of this sweet are usually associated with dogs, you should know that problems can be tied to felines as well. When they consume any type of chocolate - be it in relation to milk, dark, or what have you - cats can suffer from tremors, seizures, and the like. It's for these reasons, as well as others, that this sweet should be as far from your feline's regimen as possible.

Even though fruit may seen as healthy, different types are not worthwhile to your cat's regimen. Amongst the most serious ones are grapes, which may surprise you given the antioxidants they provide. However, grapes possess a certain type of toxin that can impact a feline's overall being, resulting in kidney failure. Cats are predominantly carnivorous creatures, and this is yet another reason why such a scientific fact holds tremendous water.

If you want to talk about the idea of owning a cat, it's easy to see that it can be one of the more rewarding endeavors in the world. Many pet owners can say the same, but the level of care that's needed must not be overlooked either. Different foods are required for a cat's regimen to be as strong as possible, meaning that other foods must avoided. Hopefully these points have helped you better understand this, if you're curious about becoming a pet owner in the future.

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