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Friday, August 7, 2015

By Debby Franklin

It can be very hard to see parents getting old and not able to do what they have done for so long. Unfortunately there comes a time in everyone's life where the aging process will begin and in some cases help might be needed in order to let the elderly live out their lives in comfort. If this is the case it might be time to consider in home care for seniors.

These services all offer personal care, keeping the home clean, cooking of meals as well as giving medication. Another service that is offered is having all bills paid before the due date. Many times the helper will be nurses so that vital signs can be monitored as well as dressing of wounds.

Some of the complaints by seniors might be that they are having difficulty climbing up and down the stairs or even not really worried about what they might eat. It is imperative that when one becomes older that the correct diet is eaten. Signs of malnutrition can be weight loss, light-headedness, disorientations, lethargy as well as loss of appetite and this is often mistaken as an illness or disease.

A survey was done and it showed that over thirty percent of seniors skipped one meal a day and that sixteen percent of them consumed less than one thousand calories a day. This could be due to the fact that they have forgotten to eat, have no money, depressed or even some dental problems. The most common reason is because they are lonely or very frail.

Many of the elderly will suffer from incontinence as well as needing help to the bathroom. It is a very embarrassing thing for them but with professional care it could help to prevent skin infections as well as general hygiene problems. All helpers are very compassionate as well as sensitive and are there to help the elderly to maintain their dignity as well as self esteem.

Living alone especially if a senior the first thing that tends to be forgotten or ignored is to eat properly. These care givers will help at keeping a balanced diet being consumed so that certain diseases can be avoided. They not only cook but will also be there to keep up a conversation and engage in small talk.

Asking for help is not a sign of not caring it is a way of giving care and a way to help protect their dignity as well as enhancing their quality of life. It is a means of also giving that person companionship during an otherwise long day. Many institutions that offer this service have been doing this for years and are experienced in giving care as well as companionship when needed.

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