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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

By Franklin Skribbit

Learning should be a lifelong pursuit and it is for many. Making that pursuit worthwhile and even enjoyable takes an understanding of your own cognitive ability. You have to be able to look at the way that you learn because no matter how hard you try, your learning experience will always be different from someone else's. Here are some tips to find the learning style that works for you.

Johnny liked to have fun. He was an intelligent, fun-loving kind of guy that everyone liked. That was part of his problem. He liked being around people so much that he always had parties to go to, spontaneous movie nights to attend, and very active social media profiles to keep up on. Although intelligent, unfortunately, the allure of life stole his attention away from homework and towards an exciting college social life. He had managed to scrape his way through classes by guessing wisely, paying attention during class, and BS-ing well. He felt bad about his lack of out-of-class effort, but not quite bad enough to change.

If you don't keep a record of what you are doing to be successful when you are learning, then you won't be as progressive. Make sure that you are keeping track of all of the little things that help you internalize concepts and help you move forward with learning.

The first paper rolled around. The night before it was due, he finally gathered the will to write. He'd just sit down, throw out some flowery writing peppered with principles he had learned in class and that would be that. As he reviewed the syllabus for the paper's guidelines, he began realizing that his regular last-minute writing might not cut it. He was required to include fifteen reliable sources, including three personal interviews, and several examples from the text they had been assigned.

You may be going to Fort Collins College and you may just want to apply some of these learning strategies in the classroom. It is important to have an idea before you get started and that means that if you are going to test your audible learning, then you trust your instincts and put down your pencil and just listen. You could even do a recording so you can listen again later. You may have been taught to take notes before but that might not be the strategy that works best for you so just trust your learning and give it a try. Another thing that you could do is forgo the writing and start drawing models that will help you remember.

Another thing students tend to forget about is hygiene. Hygiene is not just for looks (although that's true too). You need to keep your body and your apartment clean to ward off the swarm of germs, viruses, and bacteria that like to invade. Wash your hands often and clean your apartment - especially the kitchen! As a healthy, strong college student, you will be ready to experience all the fun and exciting things the education at Fort Collins Colleges has to offer!

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