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Sunday, February 23, 2014

By Robbie Sutter

It's apparent that organic olive oil products are going to be crafted in a number of ways. Some of them are going to be seen with all of the natural components, none of them taken out prior to the bottling process. Others will remove them, which is seen as both a good and a bad factor, depending on who you talk to. Of course, there are certain methods that can be utilized when it comes to pressing oil and here are the ones that stand to be learned about.

As far as the methods of pressing oil are concerned, there are two different fashions worth talking about. The first one is called the pressure method and I do not know if it is going to be the one to utilize when you consider how certain healthful aspects may be stripped away. In addition, it isn't nearly as precise as you may desire. The idea that all of the oil may not be taken out of the olives during this process is something that has rightfully raised concerns of potential buyers.

The pressure method is seen as the traditionalist method, though, which is why I feel like it is worth mentioning. Another issue that should be talked about, though, is the inclined nature of labor that is tied into such a product as well. With grinding being done via large mortar and the addition of hot water as well, it seemed as though there was much more work being seen here than there should have been. There is a more modern method, though, that can bring about strong outcomes anyway.

The more modern alternative seen as the centrifugation method and it is one that meets the requirements told by authorities such as Unaprol. This would be enough of a reason for individuals to consider it but there are others which should be brought into place. The method is far simpler, since the olives are crushed and their paste is brought into a decanter. This makes the separation process much easier, meaning that organic olive oil products stand a better chance of coming about.

In my opinion, organic olive oil products should be seen at the highest level of quality out there. With that said, I do not know if there is nearly enough thought given to the idea of various processes in this field. Even though you may not consider them, I think that the more modern technique is not only reliable but easier to go about. With minimal effort being had, as far as olive pressing is concerned, I cannot imagine a method much better.

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