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Sunday, November 17, 2013

By Haywood Hunter

For many years it has been widely known that prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays puts a person at much higher risk of developing skin cancer. This has however not deterred people from finding other ways of attaining that golden tan look. Organic fake tan products are one of the newest and most innovative means of obtaining the desired image without compromising one's health.

In 1983, the world was introduced to an innovative product called the organic fake tan. By applying the product to the skin, one could achieve the same result as after spending many hours lying on the beach. This product not only saved on time and convenience, it also made it safer and easier to get the desired complexion.

Unfortunately some of the ingredients and preservatives used in creating organic fake tan products have come under fire from health experts. There has been concern that these chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and result in future health problems. The concern is highest for women as some studies indicate the damage may be transmitted to fetuses.

On any given day, a woman will make use of numerous beauty organic fake tan products. From eyeliner to lipstick, deodorant to skin lotion, the choices are numerous. However, organic fake tan products have drawn much attention because they are generally applied all over the body giving them maximum exposure. In order to reduce the risks associated with organic fake tan products, it has been recommended that people should opt for healthier, more natural alternatives.

When applying organic fake tan products to the skin, a person must wash off the excess after the tan has set in. With normal products that means washing synthetic chemicals down the drain. This water then contaminates whatever place it lands in the environment causing pollution. With natural alternatives, this kind of repercussion is avoided.

Other beauty products also initially came with only artificial options. It was then discovered that many women would have allergic reactions to some products because of their chemical composition. This made it difficult for them to shop for their make-up, lotions, deodorant and perfumes. With natural options, like organic fake tan products, introduced in to the market, they were able to make safer choices. The same applies to tanning products whose natural ingredients like aloe vera and avocado are safe for use.

Animal testing has been a major bone of contention with cosmetics firms. The animals are exposed to synthetic chemicals to confirm that this will not damage the health of a human. Many animals die or get sick in the course of such tests. Thankfully with firms that produce organic fake tan products, this is not an issue as the absence of chemicals makes it unnecessary to perform such tests.

When it comes to shopping around for the right organic fake tan product, it can be difficult to know for sure. Many manufacturers slap on the label of natural when only one or two ingredients are such. It is advisable to check out the full list of ingredients being use in the product. If there are no proper natural products in your local store, you may want to visit one that specializes in organic items. Alternatively, go online and check out some of the popular brands available. Preserve your health by sticking to the best natural products while still achieving that golden glow.

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