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Thursday, September 19, 2013

By Haywood Hunter

Have you ever wondered why people tan their skins? Well, there are several reasons for it. Primarily it is to gain protection against ultra violet rays from the sun. These rays can cause skin cancers and will eventually weigh heavily on your medical bills or lead to loss of life. To avoid these, you need a dark fake tan. Tanning is simply changing the color of your skin though methods such as sunbathing, sunless tanning and sun beds.

Sunless tanning is the most popular due to its efficiency and effectiveness. Compared to the conventional methods, self-tanning brings desirable results within few hours and can be used anywhere. You should also know the types of self-tanners. In that line, there are dark fake tan lotions, dark fake tan pills and dark fake tan cosmetic bronzers with varying reliability and speed. Not only are the dark fake tan lotions the most effective under this category but they also give you the darkest tanning for longer.

There are subcategories of tanning lotions too. For example there are; accelerators, bronzers, tingle and coolants. These lotions have specific qualities which are helpful in choosing a self-tanner. For instance, tingle lotion will work by improving your blood circulation to achieve tanning easily.

On the other hand, dark fake tan accelerators (the most popular of the lotions) work through their active ingredients to boost melanin production from dead skin cells. The process involves the active ingredient acting on the amino acids found on the said dead cells. They achieve tanning faster and thus do not require familiarity with indoor tanning procedures.

Mostly, bronzers are used to fasten the tanning process and achieve the darkest fake tan. In cases where tanning beds are used, a dark fake tan coolant will come in handy. Not only does it cool your body and keep you skin moisturized after a tanning session but also is rich in antioxidants that protect your skin.

In as much as there is lots of conveniences attached to the named dark fake tan lotions, choosing the right one might be a challenge. You should therefore ensure that you use lotions from known manufactures or reputable stores. In addition, choose the most affordable, portable dark fake tan lotion with natural ingredients as this will guarantee you a comfortable tanning

Another challenge is how to apply the lotion. For instance, some people do not even read the directions of the manufacturer on how to use the product. Some also start tanning without ensuring that they have all the required materials. All these end up in poor tanning or even destruction of the skin. To avoid these, ensure that you have all the required materials needed.

So long as you use the right application method, results should be visible after some hours. It is however, advisable that you do your tanning before going to bed so that the lotion has enough time to work on your skin. You are guaranteed a long lasting dark fake tan and protection from dangerous rays once you shower. To enhance this protection though, you need to use dark fake tan lotions with sunscreens that work against UV light from the sun. You should however use other non-indoor tanning methods to be safer always.

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