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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

By Betty Hamilton

Lots of people have allergic reactions to specific foods. Unfortunately, however, many of these same individuals are unaware of what they are experiencing when these reactions occur. Sometimes they think they are simply experiencing negative changes in their overall health that are unrelated to what they eat. Following are a few common food sensitivity symptoms along with tips for dealing with them.

Some forms of irritation are so extreme that people cannot help but notice them right off. They often mean that a person should see a doctor immediately. Anything that affects the inside of your mouth or your airways is problematic. If your cheeks, tongue, lips or throat begin to swell and itch, contact a doctor as soon as you can.

There are reactions that often indicate that the body is trying to protect itself by partially closing off its airways. This response is natural and it is designed to limit exposure to edible irritants, but it can have a very negative impact on your ability to breath comfortably. Most hospitals prescribe histamine blockers to make these reactions abate.

Problems affecting the gastrointestinal tract are incredibly common. For instance, if you find yourself bloated and filled with gas after drinking a cup or two of milk, you are probably lactose intolerant. Severe cases of lactose intolerance usually entail violent bouts of diarrhea. Surprisingly, however, these physiological responses may not mean that you won't be able to tolerate milk ever. There are times when cleansing the intestines of parasites is sufficient effort for increasing overall tolerance to dairy. Parasite infestations are actually considered to be a common cause of food sensitivities in many circles.

You do have the option of buying milk that comes with an enzyme that will help your body break down lactose more effectively. This is called lactase. Some people use exposure therapy instead. This means that they consume very minute amounts of dairy over long periods of time. Even though exposure therapy is unpleasant and gradual, it does work in many instances.

Constipation can also be an indication of food intolerance. If this is something that you are dealing with, your body may be attempting to flush itself out with its existing water stores. The result is a compacted stool that you will have to push very hard in order to move. Whenever your digestive system is not performing optimally, food allergies might be a cause.

You might develop a skin rash to something that you are allergic to, even if you have never been allergic to it before. This can include red, raised hives, and other visible blemishes. This could be the result of your having consumed a single food by itself or eaten a specific combination of foods that are only intolerable to your system together.

It is also a good idea to check your complexion whenever your energy levels begin to seriously wane. Chronic fatigue in conjunction with rashes and other skin troubles often mean dietary problems exist. Paying careful attention to the signs and signals that your body emits will help you learn all about its ability and inability to tolerate different types of food.

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