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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

By Cody Rine

A headache can be very distracting. It seems logical to assume that since it manifests in one's head that it must have originated there. After all, rubbing the temples or closing one's eyes can help ease the discomfort of it. That makes sense. But it may be incorrect. The source might be surprising. Chiropractic professionals can identify the source of headaches Charlotte NC

The big percentage of what we generally refer to as "tension" headaches are actually cervicogenic. In layman's terms, this means that most headaches start in the spine. Yes, the spine, not the head. Moreover, misalignments of the neck are most often the culprit that leads to tension that you feel in your head. These misalignments are an imbalance where the head, which weighs between 8 to 10 pounds at adult size, meets the neck. In some instances, headaches can also be brought on by muscular tension or strife.

Most of these cerviogenic issues can be naturally alleviated through chiropractic means. These scientifically-based therapies have shown great success in reducing the intensity and frequency of a headache without the use of drugs.

What most people don't realize that headaches are a symptom of another issue in the body. Most general MDs, as well as most of the general public, mask the symptom and consider it enough, usually with pain medication. However, getting to the bottom of what's actually ailing you and discovering the root cause of your headaches, then providing proper, individualized care specific to your issue can resolve the situation now and in the long term. A good chiropractor can use such techniques as the Atlas Orthogonal to restore the balance in your neck and upper back and thus relieve the tension causing your headaches.

In order to help a patient obtain overall body balance, chiropractors can also attend digestive issues and back pain. A symptom is like a warning that something is not correct elsewhere in the body, and in order to achieve optimal health, it must be identified and addressed.

Anyone experiencing chronic pains in their head should consider talking with a chiropractor who may be able to advise the best way to attend them. Sometimes this is as simple as making dietary changes. A migraine can actually become debilitating or disabling. There is no need to just take medication and sit in a dark room hoping for the best when a chiropractic professional can help reduce or eliminate this type of pain.

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