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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

By Dona Banegas

Chiropractic care is known to be safe and effective for patients at all stages of life and at every age, but it can be especially helpful for those who are pregnant.

Pregnancy can cause a significant amount of physical stress. Throughout the nine months of gestation the spine is constantly having to adjust to the baby and its increasing weight. As a woman's center of gravity moves forward and pulls the spine out of its aligned position, women can experience symptoms that negatively impact their life qualities. More than half of all pregnant women report having low back pain. A lot of expecting moms additionally complaint of migraines, headaches, insomnia and nausea.

Spinal misalignments can make labor more painful. Pelvic misalignments may limit the amount of room in the uterus for the developing fetus. They can also make it more difficult for the baby to get into the correct position for delivery.

Chiropractors can restore the spine to its correct alignment and proper arc, thereby reducing pain in the neck, joints and back. Pelvic balance can be restored by adjustments that reduce strain on the supporting joints and ligaments while simultaneously reducing a woman's likelihood of having to delivery by C-section. When offering expectant mothers care, gentle techniques are employed that prevent excess pressure from being placed on the abdominal area.

Studies show that chiropractic therapies can promote safer and easier deliveries. The American Medical Association Board of Trustees conducted a study showing that women who went to chiropractors throughout their third trimesters had easier labors than women who didn't. Another study showed that receiving chiropractic care made women less likely to rely on painkilling medications during labor.

Chiropractic care provides additional benefits, such as boosting the immune system. When the body is properly balanced, the nervous system can function at its best, ensuring that all the body's processes are being carried out as they should. Chiropractors encourage patients to take an active role in optimizing their health. Toward that end, they may provide nutritional counseling and recommend exercises or stretches that patients can do at home between appointments to reap maximum benefits from adjustments and related therapies. Seeking a natural, drug-free approach to wellness, increasing numbers of mothers-to-be are opting to receive chiropractic care for healthier pregnancies.

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