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Saturday, February 17, 2018

By Thomas Young

An increasing number of people is becoming concerned with areas of fat on their bodies that do not react to exercise or diet approaches. No matter the amount of effort one puts in, the fats do not go away. This used to be a major issue among women, but the number of men concerned has also increased significantly in the previous years. For such fats, the only option one has is surgery. When one needs Fat Reduction Treatment Boca Raton FL offers the perfect location to visit.

In some isolated cases persistent fatty areas normally occur on the stomach before pregnancy or after giving birth. The same can also be observed around the back, flanks, and thighs. Permanent elimination of these badges of fats is made difficult by the fact that they are localized. Many different surgical procedures have been devised to solve this problem. Liposuction is one of the many available options.

Liposuction is one of the methods used to remove excessive fats in the body. It was popularized in the 80s after its invention. Only board certified surgeons are allowed to perform the procedure. Small tubes referred to as cannula re used to suck excess fats in the body during the process. Precision and care are very important qualities during this process. To derive the fats, suction is usually done in the tubes.

The cannula must be moved gently as fats are extracted. This method works well on arms, back, face, legs, and abdomen. Results attained are permanent, producing a much better body contour. It is an effective method as well as safe, qualities that make it preferable to many people.

Time and advancement in medical technology has led to invention of other noninvasive techniques as replacements for liposuction. The techniques do not involve making incisions into the body and also take less time to achieve results. Among these common techniques are zerona, coolsculping, and trusculpt. Compared to liposuction they also cost less. Unfortunately, their results may not be that long lasting.

Coolsculpting is a non-invasive procedure that is best suited for people who are close to attaining their target weight. It is effective for reducing small, localized trouble spots around thighs, hips, and abdomen. Results are usually observed after three months. This process involves using a cryolipolysis device on the target area. The unwanted fat cells in that area are cooled to a temperature that kills them without affecting surrounding tissues. Once dead, the cells are flushed out of the body over time.

A trademarked procedure known as TruSculpt entails the use of regulated radiofrequency technology. This technique has many applications including removing fatty cells on thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen. This process takes approximately one hour to finish. Usually, two treatment sessions are required in order for noticeable results to be observed.

Zerona cold laser requires several weeks for results to be observed. This method does not kill the targeted cells, but instead causes storage form of fats to leak out into the cell. These fats then get flushed from the body to cause shrinkage in the affected part of the body.

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