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Thursday, July 27, 2017

By Robin Setser

Depending on the health of certain animals, surgery may be needed. While this procedure is oftentimes successful, pet owners should know that additional healing methods can help matters further. Which ones are the best for animals that are still recovering? Along with electromagnetic treatment for animals, these are 3 of the most useful pointers that you can take advantage of, bettering your pet's quality of life in the process.

Speaking of PEMF therapy for animals, you may be curious to know that it can positively impact pets of all types. According to companies like Assisi Animal Health, dogs, cats, and horses are the most prominent examples. The fact that it can speed up the healing process via electromagnetic fields makes it one of the most unique methods. What's more is that it can be one of the best methods to help your pet recover.

You should also know that keeping an eye on your pet's incisions is important. While they will heal normally in most cases, this doesn't necessarily mean that complications are impossible. As a matter of fact, your veterinarian will most likely stress the importance of observing incisions so that they can heal as they should. Regardless of the pet that you own, this is one of the most important methods you should remember.

When it comes to physical activity, it should be kept to a minimum. When a person has surgery, they're told to take it easy for a certain period of time; the same logic applies to dogs that have undergone operations. In order to keep your pet from moving around so much, make sure that they have everything they need close by. Everything from food bowls to their favorite toys should be in close range so that movement is minimized.

Finally, once the recovery process is finished, ease your pet back into a physical lifestyle slowly. Instead of having your dog run around the backyard, trying to catch a Frisbee, you should have them partake in a short walk around the block. While this may not be seen as strenuous, it's ideal for a dog that has just been medically cleared. The more seamless this transition into physical activity is, the healthier your pet will be.

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