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Friday, July 28, 2017

By Cynthia Kennedy

If cosmetic surgery can be defined as procedures that alter the body in one way or another, then this field of medicine has been around for aeons. To this day the number of cosmetic surgical procedures performed far exceed the number of any other type of surgery. Specialists in this field need to be extremely skilful but it is a very lucrative field of medicine nevertheless. Plastic surgeons in Northwest Indiana have a reputation for improving the quality of life of their patients.

By far the biggest majority of these procedures are performed purely for cosmetic purposes. People want to look younger. They may not like the way their nose is shaped. They may desire bigger or smaller breasts or they may want to remove unsightly cellulite from their thighs. It has become commonplace to opt for such surgery. In fact, many patients combine such surgical interventions with other forms of beauty treatment.

Cosmetic surgery, like all other types of surgery, is invasive and there are always risks involved. Inexperienced practitioners can easily achieve the opposite of what the patient desired and mistakes of this kind may require extensive further corrective surgery. There is also the risk of infection and the side effects of medication and anaesthetics may cause serious health problems. Patients are therefore well advised to gain expert advice before opting for such procedures.

Not all cosmetic surgery focus on the vanity of the patient however. Thousands of people suffer from deformities due to accidents, other types of surgery and disease. Many of them suffer from psychological disorders such as depression and anti social behaviour because they are ashamed of how they look. Many of these unfortunate patients can attain new lives after undergoing surgery that correct their deformities.

Cosmetic, or rather corrective surgery has also changed the lives of many other types of patients. Modern procedures and techniques now allow a surgeon to successfully re attach a severed limb, such as a hand, for example. This type of surgery is also very valuable in helping patients to move freely and painlessly on their own, to speak clearly and to regain the use of severely damaged limbs.

For many people, modern cosmetic surgical possibilities borders on the miraculous. Through micro surgery, for examples, doctors can now re attach a severed hand or foot. They can grow new skin for burn victims and severely damaged organs such as smashed noses and ears can be sculpted anew. Children born with deformities such as a cleft palate no longer have to face life with such a distinct disadvantage.

The importance of using an experienced surgeon simply cannot be overemphasized. Surgical mishaps cannot always be corrected and when it can, the process may be painful and lengthy. It is certainly best to choose a surgeon that has performed the relevant procedure many times and that is able to provide relevant references to that effect. The patient also need to make sure that he is fully informed about all the risks involved.

Cosmetic surgery has changed the lives of numerous people that would previously have no other choice but to bear with their disabilities and deformities. No doubt ongoing research will lead to even more advanced techniques that will be able to help even more patients. The possibilities certainly seems to be endless.

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