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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

By Jerry Graham

The teen years are some of the most complex duration in the life of a person. It is a vulnerable stage that everyone faces as they try to navigate through the precarious stage of adulthood and childhood. That is when you are able and have the control of making independent life choices. The adolescent stage is also a time of self-exploration where people want to try new things that they did not do or ever think of in the past. These include trying drugs to feel the fuss about the drugs. The article highlights common reasons teens engage in drugs that could be highlighted in a Substance abuse presentation.

Peer pressure. At this adolescent stage, peer pressure is some powerful that will hit you and n most cases you will be subject to the experiments. This is the case because your friends may be doing something that even you know is not good, but due to the fear of being laughed at, you end up trying it. And that becomes the beginning of your drug life.

Children or youths in general in such a stage tend to see themselves as fully grown adults who can stand by themselves. This is the reason as to why most of them end up being rude and see each and every decision they make being justified and the correct one as a result of seeing the adults taking alcohol or even smoking. The adult feeling at such a tender age is responsible for most drug abuse cases too.

Influence from their parents. It is sorry to say that for some parents they may need up influencing their children to start abusing drugs. This may not be necessary that the parenting advice the child to usage drugs but their living together makes the child feel as if that is the right thing to do. And so for parents, it is difficult to stop their children at this level.

Curiosity is also the reason for such ill behavior among such children at a tender age. With the improved technology and modern lifestyles where children sit all day watching movies, they may see an actor drinking and consequently displaying a funny behavior the reason as to why they too get the urge to try out the same and see the results whether or not they will be corresponding.

Some youngsters get into drugs because of boredom. Being idle is one of the ways to process and think of all the vices in the world. A child will start to think of engaging in activities that will allow them become busy and will also make them meet with people rather than staying home all day long. Kids and youngsters ought to be engaged in various activities including enrolling them in art classes.

Such behavior can be an aftermath of rebellion. Children who are brought up under strict rules upon reaching such an age where they feel grownups tend to rebel against their folks a situation that may land them to such drug use as they become rude and do not listen to any advice.

It is vital that every parent and teacher understand ways they can help kids grow in the best environment. You can do that by ensuring that you teach them on the best life skills. Also, enrolling them for art sessions will keep them busy.

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