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Thursday, May 16, 2013

By Charles Humphries

It can be very upsetting to lose teeth, even just one or two. Up until recently the most common ways of replacing teeth were to have either a partial or full denture, or a dental bridge fitted. New technology means it's now becoming much more common to use dental implants abroad.

Dental implants are technologically advanced, and represent the very best way of replacing teeth. They are extremely long-lasting provided they are looked after diligently, and in some people they will last a lifetime. While they are in excellent form of treatment a lot of people are put off having implants due to their price which is one of the reasons why more are choosing to seek treatment overseas.

The standard of treatment offered in other countries can be extremely high, and implant surgery is very safe and routine. One thing to bear in mind is that anyone wishing to have this type of procedure needs to be in good general health, and should not be a smoker. The reason for this is that smoking can impede healing of the implant and can greatly increase the chance of failure.

Anyone who is diabetic will need to make sure this disease is well under control as uncontrolled blood sugar levels can affect healing and mean there is a far greater chance that the implant will eventually fail. This disease suppresses the immune system and generally makes healing more difficult. Anyone with good general health should also make sure that all health is in good shape and that they don't have any dental diseases.

Good treatment planning is essential for implant success. A good dentist will want to carry out various tests and will want to take x-rays and scans. This helps the dentist for implant surgeon to see where nerves and other vital structures are situated. Good treatment planning ensures the finished implants looks extremely natural.

The actual implant is a titanium post that is inserted into the jawbone. The jawbone needs to have a minimum amount of healthy bone which is typically several millimetres. This is necessary to ensure the post is held firmly in the jawbone and provides a secure location for the replacement crown.

If the area is lacking in sufficient bone then it may be necessary to have a bone graft prior to the post being inserted. This is a small procedure that builds up the amount of bone in the jaw and is completely routine. Some implant systems allow the bone graft to be placed when the implant is inserted.

Again it depends on the exact system used as to whether the post can be loaded immediately or if it is necessary to wait a few months for it to integrate with the jawbone. Some types can have the restoration straight away. The posts in the jaw can be used to hold bridges, dentures or just single crowns.

More and more people are choosing to use these implanted posts to support full dentures. The advantage of this system is that it stabilizes loose dentures improving quality of life, allowing people to eat a greater variety of foods. This is particularly important for people with lower dentures that frequently become loose and the bone in the jawbone gradually reabsorbs. Dental implants abroad are the ideal solution.

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