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Sunday, May 19, 2013

By Patricia Rose

Why is the Secret Paleo diet considered a healthy lifestyle? Apart from the fact that thousands of years ago, our ancestors used to follow Paleo lifestyle what makes it work? It isn't that people today have just realized the importance of a Paleolithic age lifestyle, but there is plenty of scientific research that proves the effectiveness of this diet.

The modern lifestyle is obviously not one that people could call healthy. Because of this, they have to deal with many types of diseases, such as heart related, high blood pressure, diabetes, or strokes. The life span of humans is decreasing, as more people die today than ever, as a consequence of such conditions. The main cause of the diseases is the processed food that is promoted today and that already became a modern trend. This topic is complex, but the main subject of this article constitutes of ways of creating your healthy Paleo.

Details of Secret Paleo Diet

Recommended foods: fruits, seafood, lean meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds and healthy fats.

Bad: Alcoholic beverages, Milk, Legumes, Processed Sugar and Food, Grains, Starches.

The distinction above is made to help you on deciding the food products that you are going to eat and the food products that you should try to avoid. Next, we will find out about the health benefits of the food items which you should eat.

Perks for Diabetes Clients

It is common that the people who are suffering from Type 2 diabetes are suggested to follow the Mediterranean diet. The common constituents of that diet are olive oil, Legumes, fruits, vegetables and unrefined cereals. Though Mediterranean diet is good but when compared to Paleo diet, Paleo is better. The reason is that Paleo avoids the use of dairy products and grains, which interfere with the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates.

Legumes have high lectin content, which can be the reason for gut irritation. In the majority of dairy ingredients, there are high lactose levels and many individuals can have a bad reaction to them. This does not apply for yogurt and kefir. Because of these facts, individuals who have type 2 diabetes have to use the Secret Paleo diet, instead of the Mediterranean one.


The presence of different types of bacteria, viruses and parasites is detected by the autoimmune system, which is a defensive means for the body. Situations could exist in which the body is seen by the immune system as something foreign and is attacked and these constitute what is called autoimmunity. It is similar to a case of an organ transplant, in which the body must first integrate the organ as its own. If there is a rejection, the organ can be attacked.

In general cases where there is no organ transplant involved, large particles of proteins get attached to the intestinal lining and activate the autoimmunity function in your body. But with the Secret Paleo diet, this situation never arises, but rather will improve the body's metabolism and overall health. By following a Paleo diet, people can even fight terminal diseases. In cases of cancer, a cure can't be achieved but lifespan of the patient can be increased and reduction in deterioration is guaranteed.


You could find much info on my blog website link below. You can examine Secret Paleo, which has virtually 300 recipes readily available.

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