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Sunday, May 26, 2019

By Jerry Ellis

Modern technology has provided several benefits for people in both their personal and professional lives. For the personal part, women who have struggled with reversing the ageing process can now enjoy several options that are readily available. In the case of their private regions, here are some facts you need to learn about Mona Lisa Touch Los Angeles.

The term vaginal restoration refers to several treatments that ensure the overall function and appearance of their private parts go back to normal. While it is considered a cosmetic procedure, it has shown to improve the symptoms of sexual and urinal problems. Under this category there are both surgical and nonsurgical options.

The Mona Lisa Touch Laser Therapy involves using carbon dioxide lasers to revitalize soft tissues and promote the growth of collagen. These lasers have been used for tissue remodeling around the face and has also been proven to be both safe and effective. In fact, carbon dioxide lasers help repair the epithelial cells thus resulting in a tighter feeling down there.

While proven to be effective, its multiple sessions are not yet approved by the FDA because they consider it as a cosmetic procedure. Nevertheless its potential is quite remarkable where doctors even suggest patients get this treatment so long as they consult with their doctor beforehand. This is to ensure that there are no other factors that could be exacerbating your vaginal atrophy.

Women with certain conditions can greatly benefit from this treatment. One of which are postmenopausal women who have trouble getting intimate with their partner due to their decreasing estrogen levels. Since one of the effects of this option involves a more lubricant vagina, these women no longer have to endure pain during intercourse resulting in a happier and more comfortable sex life.

For instance, women who undergone this treatment have reported various improvements in their sexual lives. This includes lubrication issues, pain during intercourse, their overall feelings or arousal and desire, and the fact that their orgasms were better. Considering that these women were unable to enjoy sex before, many of whom now claim to enjoy intimate moments with their partners around the twelfth week follow up.

Another issue that this can also help with is Stress Urinary Incontinence. This more or less refers to persons who unintentionally soiled themselves when doing physical movements. Additionally, it should also be noted that this condition is not in an way psychological. So far, women who undergone this procedure have a success rate of over seventy seven percent.

These are of course just some advantages that this procedure offers. In the case of listing out disadvantages, there have been reports about certain patients experiencing discomfort after a session. However, this has yet to be tied to a specific cause of the pain, i. E. Whether it was from a device or the practitioner itself.

Another setback that can also prevent users from getting this option is the fact that it is costly and is not covered by insurance which can hinder their options. While it can be financially painful, a majority of the procedure is relatively painless where users do not even have to use anesthesia. Nevertheless, if you are looking for something quick, comfortable, and effective then this option is your best bet so long as you talk to your doctor first.

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