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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

By Richard Green

Your dental can yellow or turn dull for a variety of reasons. It could be that you have over the years enjoyed your red wine, coffee, tea or even your cigarettes. If your smile is not at its best state, you could choose to invest in professional whitening services. This will increase your chances of successfully making your dental a few shades brighter. If you need in office teeth whitening Fort Worth is an ideal place to begin your hunt for the finest dentists.

If this is the first time you are considering getting a professional service, there is a likelihood that the process ahead of you will intimidate you. Most patients confidently schedule for a treatment and enjoy priceless peace of mind once they get acquainted with what to expect. You should know what will happen before your treatment, during the sessions and right after.

Before the dental cosmetic procedure takes place, your dentist will evaluate your oral health and confirm that you make a good candidate for treatment. It will be crucial for you to get treatment for gum issues and cavities before the procedure takes place. The degree of staining will also be considered and you will need to work with the professional to choose the whiter, yet natural looking shade to achieve.

If the state of your oral health makes you a perfect candidate for the treatment, your gums and teeth ought to get prepared. The professional will briefly clean your dental and then get your gums covered with a rubber or gel. This will ensure that you do not suffer from gum irritation caused by the bleaching gel.

After this, the bleaching solution will be applied on the teeth. The doctor will then focus a UV light to your teeth to activate the gel and speed up the process of achieving the desired outcome. The bleaching get needs to remain in place for about 45 minutes or an hour, depending on the current state of your dental and the degree of whiteness you desire.

You will see the results of the treatment once your dentist rinses off the bleach and removes the protective rubber. Unfortunately, you cannot be guaranteed of getting the lightest possible shade, especially if your dental is heavily stained. Fortunately, you can always expect to enjoy a smile that is a few shades lighter than it originally was.

It is normal to suffer from tooth sensitivity after a treatment. You, however, expect the sensation to go away within one or two days. During the first 24 hours following a treatment, you should avoid drinking or eating foods that are known to cause staining. It pays to understand that your dental will be at greater risk of staining immediately after the treatment.

For you to protect the bright new shade that is achieved, you should continue to avoid foods and drinks that cause dental discoloration. You may also want to use a home tooth whitening kit from time to time. Inform your dentist about this and get to know whether you can be given a custom kit to use from home.

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