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Saturday, May 20, 2017

By Maria Harris

As a matter of fact, spinal discs play an important role for the lower back. These spinal discs often act as shock absorbers for the vertebrae, they also support the upper body, and allow movements in all direction. Nevertheless, a herniated disc may worsen your nerve and back pain instead of easing your daily life. The nerve and painful symptoms usually go downward to your leg.

Usually, disc herniation signs and symptoms do not start due to any apparent reason. Nevertheless, these symptoms can also arise when you lift heavy weight or in case you twist the lower back. The reason for this is that such motions often increase more stress on these discs. Mostly, lumbar discs herniation form the major medical problem for slipped disks.

Usually, a slipped disc can occur in any part of the spine from the neck to the lower back. Normally, the lower back is the common area where slipped discs occur. Since the spinal column is made of nerves network and blood vessels, a slipped disk places extra pressure on the muscles and the nerve around it.

The main symptom of this condition is pain that can extend from the arms to the legs although the pain varies in different people. However, it is important see a doctor if the pain result in tingling and numbness affecting your ability to control the muscles.

Herniation of disc occurs when the outer ring becomes weak or torn which allows the inner part to slide out. This may occur due to age, although some motions may result in disk herniation. By lifting very heavy and large objects may result in great strain on the lower back that may cause slipped disk. Therefore, people who perform physically demanding jobs involving lifting are more likely to suffer from disk herniation.

Being overweight may also increase your chance of suffering from slipped discs since the discs must support the additional weight. On the other hand, weaker muscles and living a sedentary lifestyle also increase the likelihood of slipped discs. At the same time, as people get older and advance in age, they often suffer from this condition. This is because these discs start losing the protective water. The result is that the disks slide out of its place easily.

There major symptoms and signs of slipped discs. One of such symptom is pain in the arm and leg. If the disk has slipped in the lower back, you experience intense pain in the buttocks, calf, and thigh. Some part of your foot may also be involved. If the disc has slipped in the neck, more intense pain is felt in your arm and shoulders. The pain may also go to the leg or arm whenever you sneeze, cough or move the spine in certain positions.

In the diagnosis of slipped disks, a physician performs physical exams so as to determine the origin of the pain and discomfort. This diagnosis involves checking the nerve function, strength of the muscle, and whether touching or moving the affected area causes pain. Other tests like the X-rays, MRI, CT scans, and the discograms can be done.

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