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Monday, August 22, 2016

By Donna Campbell

We all have that desire of looking attractive to others. The first part of the body that bring about this impression is the face. The stagnant acne problem is one thing that kills this desire that we share most. There is, however, no need to retain this look of despair because there are many natural treatment for acne.

Manufactured drugs have been in the use as a means for acne eradication. They have given out good results something that we cannot fail to ignore. The bad thing about them is that they have side effects which can be dangerous if one is not compatible with them. The most reported ones are skin allergies and a variety of skin complications.

As far as one needs to get the cure, it is important that one goes to the root of the cause first. People who are stressed, lack sleep, under family planning pills, are the most affected. These are just but a few of the many possible causes. Going for the natural means is the best decision since the results are not disappointing, and application is simple.

The basic procedure is cleansing ones face. A smooth piece of clothing or towel is good enough for the job. Additionally, use warm water to do the cleansing gently in a rubbing manner. This should be done on the face and the neck since they are the commonly attacked areas. Go ahead to dry the face through patting.

There are strict precautions that need to be followed when dealing with the cleaning. This includes first to do not do it very often. Twice a day is enough. Going beyond this leads to the development of excess oil leading to more pimples. This is usually due to irritation of ones skin that will cause more oil excretion.

This cleaning is not an assurance that the face is clean enough. This is why its important that one undertakes to tone. Its important as it removes any residues that were as a result of the cleaning. The most proper treatment for this therapy is apple cider vinegar.

It is important to note that clogged pores of the skin and also the dead skin on the face are good avenues for the development of acne. The only way of dealing with them is through proper scrubbing. However, avoid dealing with commercial scrubbers which have chemicals embedded in them which lead to developing more complications of the skin.

Since commercial scribes are not commended then go for the home made scrubbers. There is usually a need for one to go for the best one. Aside from the towel, basic scrubbers are a brown sugar and sea salt. The scrubber needs to be accompanied too with a potential base. These bases are aimed at ensuring that bacteria and fungi are well dealt with. The common ones are coconut oil.

Aside from the above-mentioned procedures, there is a need for one to be aware of meals that they take. There are meals such as oily meals and those with increased insulin content will cause acne. Go for meals with increased vegetables which are best at taking care of potential acne development.

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