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Saturday, June 30, 2018

By Virginia Richardson

Man people mistakenly believe that facial wrinkles are always caused by sun exposure and other forms of outside harm. The truth of the matter, however, is that facial wrinkling initially appears as the result of facial movements. This type of wrinkling is known as dynamic wrinkling and it is possible to minimize the appearance of these facial creases by using the services for BOTOX Troy MI residents trust.

BOTOX is an injectable neurotoxin. It is derived from the botulinum type A bacterium. When injected into specific facial areas, it has the ability to temporarily block the nerve messages that control facial movement. Once the affected muscles achieve an extended state of relaxation, the surface skin will invariably smooth out.

Whenever you smile or frown, the underlying collagen in the areas that move becomes subject to cracking and other damages. This is why wrinkles like crow's feet and frown lines are often only apparent whenever the face is actually moving. With BOTOX, you can release the muscles that cause these creases to form so that the collagen can remain undisturbed and smooth.

When performed correctly, these injections will allow people to obtain line-free complexions while continuing to look fresh and natural overall. This is because only very small amounts of BOTOX are used in these instances. Beyond helping people maintain looks that are entirely natural, people can even continue making a variety of convincing expression to communicate their moods and emotions.

There are lots of benefits that you can enjoy when opting to undergo this particular anti-aging procedure. The very first of these is the ability to totally revitalize your looks within just a few short minutes. Most professionals are able to complete these treatments in under 20 minutes. You may even hear this process referred to as a lunchtime face lift. A lot of people actually have these treatments done on their regular lunch breaks given just how quick and easy they are.

This popular injectable can also be safely paired with other, non-invasive procedures for minimizing the common signs of aging. For example, you can have both dermal fillers and this powerful neurotoxin injected into your skin at one time. This is known as a liquid face lift and it is capable of correcting both dynamic and static wrinkles at once.

When having these procedures performed, downtime will never be a concern. There is no removal of tissue during these treatments, no incisions, and no need for prolonged healing. After the neurotoxin has been injected into your face, you can leave the office right away. It is also a very comfortable treatment overall. A small, insulin-like needle is used to put the solution into the skin and aside for a very modest amount of redness, bruising and swelling, there aren't really any aftereffects to contend with.

There is no risk of obtaining long-term results that you are not fully satisfied with. The effects of BOTOX injections only last for a period of four to six months. After this time, the effects of this neurotoxin will wear off, and your facial structure will gradually return to its normal state. Best of all, if you enjoy the changes that BOTOX is capable of creating, you can easily have your provider repeat your procedure as needed.

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