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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

By Salena Chery

Just about everyone has experienced headaches at some point in their lives. The two most common types are tension headaches and migraines. A third type, cluster headaches, are related to migraines. A Kent chiropractor offers drug-free pain management for headache sufferers.

Research has shown that realigning the spine through the use of subtle adjustments is effective for eliminating chronic tension headaches. Chiropractors can help relieve neck muscle tension by administering trigger point therapy as well.

There are a number of therapeutic techniques used to reduce stress and the pain that can accompany it. Certain exercise routines have also been proven to work.

Migraines can be debilitating for some people. They may experience flashing lights, zigzag patterns and blind spots along with severe pain. Studies have shown that adjusting the spine can reduce the severity and the frequency of migraine headaches.

Cluster headaches occur in a cyclical pattern, causing severe pain, drooping eyelids, excessive tearing, facial swelling, and a runny nose, typically on one side of the face. The Kent chiropractor can administer spinal adjustments to relieve nerve pressure that may aggravate cluster headaches. The practitioner may also recommend workplace modifications and exercises that reduce the likelihood of recurring spinal misalignments.

Headaches caused by whiplash are a common complaint from those who have been involved in minor automobile accidents. Neck pain is another ailment these victims can suffer.

Chiropractors who see these types of clients generally recommend a combination of exercise, massage, and trigger point therapy to remedy both symptoms. Without some kind of therapeutic intervention, these problems can become chronic.

Most chiropractors prefer natural remedies, good nutrition, and healthy lifestyles over prescription drugs. They also suggest avoiding things, like stress, that can trigger a headache.

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