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Sunday, January 8, 2017

By Arthur Cox

In a world of foods with too many calories, many of us can become obese. People who are overweight are at a greater risk of suffering from lifestyle illness such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. To reduce such a probability, Individuals tend to undergo bariatric surgery. Gastric bypass surgery Houston is one of the procedures which involves reduction of the stomach volume so as to restrict our food intake and absorption.

It is advisable that patients suffering from heart diseases or type 2 diabetes to reduce their weight. An individual who is extremely obese that is, a body mass index of more than 35, should try bariatric surgery if other methods of reducing weight have failed. This operation significantly improves the health condition of such patients.

This surgery will change your eating habit. Your stomach will be partitioned into two parts; one small part known as the pouch and the bigger section which is, the lower stomach(bypass). A jejunum, a small part of your small intestine, is then connected to the upper stomach. The patient's food portion will reduce due to the reduction of the stomach size. An individual will quickly feel full avoiding overeating. The calories getting into your system through absorption reduces significantly.

There are two surgical procedures which a patient can choose from: open incision and the laparoscopic technique. Open incision involves the surgeon cutting your belly open and then the bypass procedure is done on your stomach, intestine and other relevant organs. In laparoscopy, the doctor makes five small cut in your belly. The scope and the required instruments are inserted into the cuts. The camera allows the surgeons to view the inside of the stomach on the video monitor while operating. This technique has an advantage of quicker recovery and fewer complications.

This operation has many benefits. First, up to 80% of the excess body weight is lost. Persons who have undergone this procedure have their mortality rate cut. They are expected to live longer. Serious health conditions such as hyperlipidemia, Obstructive sleep apnea, and hypertension are significantly corrected. Also, type 2 diabetes is substantially reversed. A person's social life and even sex life is also improved.

Many surgical techniques have some drawbacks. GBP is not an exception. A patient may experience inflammation in the stomach region, and some may vomit from excessive eating, and other may suffer from poor nutrition. Due to stitching, one may have scars which can cause blockage of the bowels.

As a patient, you should follow the post-op dietary guidelines so as to avoid the risk of complications. With the help of a doctor or a dietician, you are required to create a schedule which will guide you through the different phases. Primarily, you should start with clear liquid, then pureed food. After a few months, you can eat soft food and maybe then solid food.

Obesity operation has helped many achieve their desired weight. When every other option have failed, you should try it. Your lifestyle will definitely changed for the better especially since the procedure shows results within days.

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