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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

By Kimberly Phillips

In case you experience a blurred vision, your eyes might be having a cataract. A frosty sight is one of the first symptoms of this condition. The condition becomes very frustrating since it reduces your sight after some time. Nonetheless, symptoms may differ from one condition to another. Consequently, when looking for cataract surgery Orange County residents should consider the following details.

Ageing is one of the major reasons for the condition. As an individual gradually becomes older, clouding of his or her lens occurs with time. This makes his or her vision hazier. If not treated, this condition may make one totally loose his or her vision. It is, therefore, important that whenever you are having a problem with your sight to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The actual roots of this problem are yet to be discovered. A few professionals have reported that the ultraviolet emissions from the sun may lead to the development of this problem. It is advisable to wear sunglasses whenever the sun is bright. Taking preventive measures is actually taking steps towards treating the predicament.

In the event you are diagnosed with cataract, it is recommended that you seek for a surgery. This is because it completely removes the cataract that blocks the lens of a patient. Please note that even after the procedure, a secondary cataract may develop. Since it is less dangerous, it is easier to remove it through a laser surgery.

It is important to understand a few points before undergoing the process. Consume healthy food especially fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin A. If you are using glasses, it is advisable to keep them of a fortnight before the process is carried out. This will help restore the original shape of your cornea. Some lenses used by individuals are hard, hence, you should avoid them a little earlier. This is because adjustment of the eyes using hard lenses requires more time to get back compared to eyes using soft lenses.

The success of your surgery is allegedly rated at ninety-eight percent successful. This implies that it is only two percent of the total population that fails to get treatment through this process. This is a great achievement especially in the medical field. On the contrary, our focus should be at the two percent who suffers the side effect of the procedure. Taking precautions for the dangers associated with the surgery is very important in reducing these effects.

One of the most common problem is Endophthalmitis. This is basically an infection in an eye. You ought to administer some antibiotic eye drops on the day the process will be carried out. In most cases, this is what is actually required. Considering a less common risk called cystoid macular edema. After the surgery, the central part of the eye swells up. This causes blurred vision. In some instances, you may need to inject the area to reduce the swelling. This is often very risky.

Being not an exceptional, cataract removal procedure too has some side effects. Some of those effects may bring about total loss of sight. This is very dispiriting. Nevertheless, you can get a successful process if done properly and by the qualified medics.

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